Common npm troubleshooting tips

Throughout my learning experience with angular and npm installs, I have faced couple of installation and other issues. In this article, I have summarized those with the solutions as a reference. Hope it helps!

Issue 1
: Node. Js version keep showing as V0.10.2.2 after we install latest 8.x and above too.
Solution: Check the path variable set correctly to the install path of npm/ng.
If still problem exists, see if you have another installation exists already particularly it can be x-86 (32 bit os)version.
Try by running "Where node" command
If it exists, remove or delete the previous installation folder and try again. latest npm version will show up.
Issue 2: ng is not recognized as an internal or external command
Solution: Path environment variable has to be fixed to point specific to ng file .
or try adding "run ng" prefix to npm commands as below.
Npm run ng <<command>

Issue3: Cannot resolve toPromise operator after upgrading to Angular CLI 7.
Solu​tion: Remove the below import line.No need to import.
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';

Issue 4: If cmd is not in the list of default integrated terminal in VS code.
Solution: Go to File-> Preference->Settings->User Setting-> Features-> Terminal
Edit the settings.json. Add an entry for cmd.exe for Intergrated>Shell>Windows section.
Reference link:

Issue 5: Getting the below error with latest Angular CLI 7.x and angularfire2.
Failed to compile.
./node_modules/angularfire2/database/list/changes.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'rxjs/Observable' in
With the latest angular CLI 7.x version, angular fire also has to be updated to the latest release @angular/fire.
Since all the fire modules are still referencing as from ../anglarfire/firedatabase, its throwing the above error.
Steps to fix
(i) Either downgrade the angular CLI to a compatible version for angularfire2 or install latest @angular/fire version(
(ii) E.g: import statements which are still referring to "import from ../angularfire2/firedabase" has to be change to latest version
"import from ../@angular/fire/firedatabase.
Commands to run
npm uninstall angularfire2 --save
npm install @angular/fire --save

Issue 6:
Getting the below error
Firebase Database persistent connection issue
Go to "".
Go to database configuration. Since it we are doing some testing and using test data which we are planning to delete soon.
For testdatbase, set the rules => read,write true which will solve the permission issue.
